
newly updated

I added a couple of items to the shop today including this magnetic paper doll.

It's printed on 85% pre-consumer recycled magnet and laminated on top for durability. The whole sheet is uncut and approximately 5x8".

This is my first paper doll colored digitally (usually I go with water colors). This little lady originally debuted back in December for a swap I did. I updated her (mostly because I failed to save the original- DOH!). On the up side
I WAS able to cram a couple more little items into her sweet Lumpkin wardrobe/ accessory stash (seamonster!).

I haven't yet named her. I think I'll wait until she has a couple of friends.
Oh yes- there will be more.
There always are.

1 comment:

leah said...

you're back! hurray. i am glad to hear that you are feeling settled in your new home.

our magnetic paper doll lives on our fridge and gets a lot of play!