

Geez, I ain't been seen in these parts since Hollarween! Holy smokes. Well it's not like I've been loafing around on the couch doing nothing for the past two months... oh wait, I have. But it was doctors orders I swear. I don't know if you've been or have seen someone on bedrest for more than a month, but it pretty much means that my body now functions like that of a 95 year old. It's time to start training though, because in 5 months I'll be expecting that body to birth my third child. My lovely cousin tells me that my troubles were probably caused by my "elderly uterus". Are you kidding? I'm not even thirty yet. But hey what do I know. Maybe I can get a senior discount now. Either way, my partner and I are finally starting to get excited about baby#3:)
So, over the past week I've been slowly getting up and around again. I'm still mostly staying at home, but I've been able to cook meals and do some cleaning. I also restocked some of my items in the ETSY shop. More items will be coming as soon as I get around to listing them. I missed most of the holiday craft shows this year, but I was preparing for them in case I started feeling better, so I have lots of new inventory including the bike seat covers I promised.
here they are as a work in progress- now available in 3 sizes ($14 - $20)
I'll also be taking orders for the sea monster hood (variety of sizes $35-50, two week turn around). I have some new paper doll t-shirts featuring Father Gnome ($35)
Oh yeah, I've also been making this little lumpkin in utero
It's one of those 4D ultrasound shots. The doctor said babies at 16 weeks tend to look a little bit like monsters because they have no fat on them yet, I tend to agree...cute little monster though. I've had a million ultrasounds during this pregnancy because of all the problems. Normally I'm not too keen on them, but this kid likes to be checked on. In two weeks we have the 20 week ultra sound that is often the first one people go to, so they'll tell us more about how baby is doing. So far so good. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers. More to come...

1 comment:

Bumpkin Hill said...

congratulations on your own little lumpkin, I am glad to hear that all is going well. take care, Catherine x