
New Hobby

I have become obsessed with researching the history of my neighborhood lately. I'm really hoping to find some old pictures of my house somewhere out there but in the meantime I love searching for old pictures of Pittsburgh in general and comparing them to Google street view pictures. I thought I'd post some here on the blog from time to time. I used this website to find the historic photos. It's really addictive.

This first installment shows my neighborhood 82 years ago. Garfield still has lots of wide open space back on that hill today but it's amazing to me how rural the old picture seems. In actuality there is still not much going right there in the present as you can see.

It's funny because I keep wanting to scroll around the old pictures and change my view as if I'm looking at the Google version. If only I could.

Pittsburgh City Photographer Collection, 1901-2002,
AIS.1971.05, Archives Service Center,
University of Pittsburgh

1 comment:

Jessica said...

i MISS pittsburgh. so much it hurts sometimes. saw a facebook link to an onQ special on garfield last night - you should check it out. http://www.wqed.org/ondemand/onq.php?id=720&search=garfield